Asbestos and Lead Services

Pioneer provides various levels of testing for asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and lead-based paint (LBP).  Pioneer staff are fully licensed and accredited to collect samples of suspect ACMs and LBP and routinely conduct such surveys and also provide consulting advice and plans on how to manage confirmed ACMs or LBP identified in buildings.  The scope of work typically involves identifying friable and non-friable ACMs and/or chipping and peeling LBP.  Our services mainly include:

  • Preliminary ACM and LBP surveys as part of a Phase I ESA
  • Pre-Renovation/Pre-Demolition asbestos surveys
  • LBP screening
  • Preparation of ACM and LBP Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Programs

Pioneer has performed ACM and LBP surveys in a variety of structures such as multi-family residential buildings, industrial/commercial buildings and office buildings.  Since federal regulations prohibited the use of ACMs and LBP around 1978, structures built during and prior to that era are most susceptible.  As driven by the scope of work and needs of the client, representative samples are collected and shipped to an independent laboratory for proper analysis using the appropriate analytical testing methodologies.  Pioneer then reviews the data and prepares written reports to document the conditions and provide recommendations according to the applicable federal, state, and local requirements.